La Oroya hydropower plant
La Oroya hydropower plant is located in the province of Yauli in Junin region, at 3,694 metres above sea level. It is the oldest plant operated by Statkraft in Peru, with operations dating back to 1914.
1914Entered into operation
9 MWInstalled capacity
56.8 GWhAnnual production
La Oroya hydropower plant receives water from the hydraulic sub-system of the Pachachaca hydropower plant, also owned and operated by Statkraft Peru. The water used in Pachachaca is discharged into the Yauli river, and then taken in again at the cut-off intake and channelled to the Taza Oroya forebay. Finally, the water is conveyed to the powerhouse via a penstock. La Oroya is equipped with three generation units.

The annual energy production of La Oroya hydropower plant is about 57 GWh, enough to power approximately 40,000 homes.
Statkraft Peru implements corporate responsibility programs intended to build capacities and educational competences in the schools in the area influenced by La Oroya hydropower plant. Also, we are involved in joint efforts with the Government to launch educational campaigns on water-related issues, quality education and health among other things. Additionally, environmental controls are in place as part of the environmental monitoring program and solid waste integral management.

Company | Ownership share |
Statkraft | 100% |